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Time- A boundless Reality

Time is a funny concept. How ironically unpredictable it is. A minute in a lecture hall seems like an hour, and an hour of friends seems like a minute. It takes years to build a living — a home — and only a few days

The Student Council (2022- 2023)

An important body providing a bridge of communication between the administration and the students of MIT, the Student Council constantly strives to provide assistance and make life on campus smooth and enriching for the latter. In order to familiarise students with our newly elected Student

Unveiling the Mysteries: Rabbit Holes

In the vast expanse of the internet, there exist countless web pages that bewitch the curiosity of users. These digital ‘rabbit holes’ lure individuals into a maze of captivating mysteries and unexplored territories. Blank 101 sought to delve into the numerous beguiling topics that have

TEDxMAHE: Volume Seven

TEDxMAHE held its seventh edition recently. Speakers across various walks of life were invited to share their experiences and inspire students to explore different avenues. It was a great success, with audience members having had a great time learning so much about the journeys and struggles that made the speakers flourish in their respective fields.

Farhan-Death’s Friend or Fiend?

“Farhan” a movie directed by Balaji Ramachandran, a talented third-year undergraduate student at MIT. The film features Tejas Dhingra in the lead role, who delivered a remarkable performance. The cinematography and editing were skillfully handled by Samarth Solanki, also a student at MIT. The cast

Manipal Entrepreneurship Summit ’23—Major Events

Manipal Entrepreneurship Summit is the flagship event of MES. With a focus on networking, ideation, and support, multiple workshops and lectures gave valuable insight into how businesses are conceived and run. The varied background of speakers helped provide an all-round perspective of what to expect as engineers embark on their own entrepreneurship journeys.

Manipal Entrepreneurship Summit ’23 Pre-MES Events

Manipal Entrepreneurship Summit is the flagship event of MES. With a focus on networking, ideation, and support, multiple workshops and lectures gave valuable insight into how businesses are conceived and run. The varied background of speakers helped provide an all-round perspective of what to expect as engineers embark on their own entrepreneurship journeys.

Aurora’23-ISTE Techweek

Aurora was a flagship event by ISTE Manipal. The biggest tech event this year, it was held in collaboration with some of Manipal’s most prominent technical clubs. From UI Design and Capture the Flag to 3D printing and microcontrollers, this event had everything for all kinds of tech enthusiasts.

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