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The Open Electives (2022-23)—Semester IV


Open Electives offer you the opportunity to take up a subject well-tailored to your interests, but making the right choice is not always an easy decision. To help you know your options and decide what’s best for you, we have compiled a list of all the Open Electives that the college offers. Watch this space for details including the syllabus of the subjects.

Grading Pattern for Electives: The students need to acquire a passing grade for their OE to fulfil the number of credits required to pass the semester. The grades obtained in the OE will not contribute to the student’s GPA for the semester.

Allotment of Electives: The allotment of Open Electives will be done on the basis of cGPA and the seats available. There is no cGPA cut-off while applying for the OEs.

The option to enter OE preferences is now available under the Applications tab on the portal. The last date for entering preferences is 15th January, 2023, till 5 pm.

Note: This page will be updated with more information about the electives. While this list has been compiled using official sources, it might vary slightly with the options on SLcM. The discrepancies will be sorted soon.

Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering

  1. AAE 4302: Introduction to Automobile Engineering

Introduction- Engine classifications, Cylinder arrangements, Engine components, Valve operating mechanisms, valve timing diagrams, fuel supply system, Battery ignition system, types of cooling and lubrication system, classification and working of clutch system, design of clutch components, Sliding and constant mesh gear box, Calculation of power, gear ratio and tractive efforts, Propeller shaft, Differential, Steering mechanism and geometry, types of suspension system, types of brakes, calculation of brake torque and stopping distance, Starting and lighting circuit.

2. AAE 4303: Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

Introduction and Overview of The History of Flight, Fundamental Thoughts, Ballooning, Basic/Constructive Principles of Fluid Mechanics-Bernoulli’s Theorem and Control Volume Approaches, The Sources of all Aerodynamic Forces, Equation of State for a Perfect Gas, Specific Volume, Anatomy of Aircraft and Space Vehicles, Standard Atmosphere, Hydrostatic Equation, Relation between Geopotential and Geometric Altitudes, Basics of Aerodynamics, Airfoil Nomenclature, Lift, Drag and Moment Coefficient, Elements of Airplane Performance, Astronautics, Basics of Propulsion.


  1. BIO 4005: Introduction to Bioinformatics


    Introduction to Bioinformatics, Central dogma of biology, Digital code of life, database sequence search & Alignment, The evolutionary basis of sequence alignment, The modular nature of proteins, Optimal alignment methods, Substitution scores and gap penalties, Statistical significance of alignments, Structure file formats, Visualizing structural information, Motifs and Pattern, Protein structure prediction, Searching for trees, Rooting trees, Evaluating trees and Data, Phylogenetic software,  Phylogenetics on the web, Some simple practical considerations, Genome annotation, Comparative genomics, Genome compression.

Biomedical Engineering

  1. BME 4301: Biomedical Instrumentation


Biomedical transducers: Classification and Selection; Pressure Transducers: Resistive, capacitive, Inductive transducers & Piezo-electric, Photoelectric transducers & its types; Thermal transducers & its types; Electrodes & Amplifiers: Principles of working and their characteristics, Half- cell potential, Types of electrodes, Electrode-Electrolyte model, Amplifiers for biomedical instrumentation; Physiological Signals & Measurements: Basics of ECG, EMG, EEG, PCG, blood pressure & blood flow and the instrumentation for measuring these signals; Cardiac Pacemakers: Types of pacemakers, Modes of triggering, Pacemaker power supplies, pacemaker codes; Defibrillators: AC and DC defibrillators, Types of electrodes and their features, cardioverters; Lasers: Basic principles, types of lasers and their medical applications; X-ray systems, Fluoroscopic system, principles of tomography; Electrical Hazards & Safety: Safety code standards, Micro and Macro shock and its physiological effects, Methods of electrical safety.

2. BME 4305: Introduction to Materials in Medicine

Will be updated as soon as more information is acquired.

Department of Chemistry

1. CHM 4301: Analytical Methods and Instrumentation

Spectroscopic methods of analysis: Properties of EMR, General features of spectroscopy, Types of molecular spectra, Interaction of EMR with matter, Instrumentation, Applications, Theory, Instrumentation and applications of Microwave, Raman, Infrared, UV-Visible, NMR spectroscopic techniques. Chromatographic Techniques: General concepts, Classification, Principles, Experimental techniques of CC, HPLC, TLC, GC and their applications. Electroanalytical methods: Basic principles and applications of conductometric, potentiometric titrations.

Civil Engineering

  1. CIE 4305: Introduction to Remote Sensing and GIS


    Introduction, Basic concepts of Remote sensing, Physics of Remote sensing Orbits, Concept of Spatial, spectral, radiometric and temporal resolution, Visual interpretation, basics of Digital Interpretation of images, application of Toposheet in base map preparation, Fundamentals of GIS, Objectives, Components of GIS, contributing disciplines and technologies, Raster, Vector, Definitions of Triangular irregular network (TIN) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Indian satellite program, Launch vehicles, Exercise on Remote sensing and GIS applications in Civil Engineering.

2. CIE 4306: Strength of Materials

Introduction, basics of Mechanics of Solids. Shear force diagram and bending moment diagram for statically determinate beams, Stresses due to bending, stresses due to shearing force. Slope and deflection of beams. Torsion, solid and hollow circular shafts, power transmitted by shafts. Variation of stress at a point, Bi-axial state of stress and strain. Stability of columns, Slenderness ratio, failure by buckling, Euler’s formula, Rankine’s empirical formula.

Computer Science Engineering

  1. CSE 4302: Essentials of IT

    Fundamentals of Computer Architecture, Organization of a Simple Computer, Execution of Instructions, Input/Output Devices,
    Measurement of CPU Performance, Operating System Concepts, Memory Management, Process Management, Basic Concept of
    Multiprogramming, Multitasking and Multiprocessing, Interprocess Communication, File Management and Device Management, Disk
    Scheduling, Introduction to DBMS and Entity Relationship Modelling, Converting ER diagram to Schema, Introduce Functional Dependency and Basics of Normalization, Introduce three Normal Forms, SQL, Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements and Data Control Language (DCL).

2. CSE 4308: Programming in Java

Java Programming Fundamentals, Introducing Data Types and Operators, Program Control Statements, Introducing Classes, Objects
and Methods, More Data Types and Operators, A Closer Look at Methods and Classes, Inheritance basics, Member Access and Inheritance, Constructors and Inheritance, Interfaces- Interface Fundamentals, Creating and Implementing Interfaces, Packages- Package Fundamentals, Importing Packages, The Exception Hierarchy, Exception Handling Fundamentals, Throwing an Exception, Multithreading Fundamentals, The Thread class and Runnable Interface, Creating Threads, Synchronization, Using I/O, Byte Streams and Character Streams, Introducing JavaFX GUI Programming, Exploring JavaFX Controls.

3. CSE 4303: Linux Programming


Introduction to Linux, using the shell, shell variables and commands and creating a shell environment. File system, understanding the basics, metacharacters and operators, understanding file permissions, pattern matching with examples and programs. Understanding the system administration, exploring administrative commands. Editing files with vim, vi editors. sed and awk programming with command-line syntaxes. Managing  running processes, managing foreground and background processes. Shell programming, understanding shell scripts and text manipulation programs. Source code management and git version control, basic Linux system administration.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

  1. ELE 4303: MATLAB for Engineers

MATLAB desktop, workspace variables and types, creating and calling functions, 2D & 3D plots, control flow statements, introduction to Cody Coursework platform, introduction to live script environment, symbolic computation using MuPAD app, linear regression analysis using Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, interpolating & extrapolating set of data, generating, importing data from various data tools, introduction to Simulink, solving ordinary differential equations in Simulink, introduction to Simscape, development of graphical user interface with GUIDE tool and app designer tool, creating MS Windows executable applications, installing support packages of external hardware, external hardware interface using MATLAB editor, Simulink and app designer.

2. ELE 4306: Renewable Energy

Energy sources and their availability. Solar Energy – solar radiation and measurements, solar energy storage, Solar Photo-Voltaic systems. Wind Energy – estimation, Maximum power and power coefficient, wind energy conversion systems – design considerations and applications. Energy from Bio-Mass – Sources of bio-mass, Bio-mass conversion technologies – Thermochemical conversion and Bio-chemical conversions, Anaerobic digestion and Fermentation, Bio-gas generation Pyrolysis and Liquefaction, Classification of Gasifiers, Energy plantation. Energy from the Oceans – Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Open and Closed Cycle plants, Site selection considerations, Origin of tides, Tidal energy conversion systems, Wave energy conversion systems. Hybrid Energy Systems.

Humanities and Management

  1. HUM 4301: Communicative English

    Common Errors in English: Subject Verb Agreement; Uses of Tenses / Sequence of Tense; Prepositions; Articles; Special Usages; Creative Writing Essay: Types of Essays, Argumentative Essay, Descriptive/Expository/Narrative Essays; Reading Comprehension; *Non- detailed Text – Critical Evaluation; Group Discussions; Presentation Skills; Essay writing.; Audio texts/speeches -Practice listening skills – summary, commentary, listening exercises. Video Speeches – Theme based speeches- motivational, informative, technical, and persuasive, discussions. Speech- Elements of a good speech, types of speeches, model speech, Speech exercises, individual presentations, peer and facilitator feedback. Formal/Informal communication. Communication Styles- formal and informal, standard English and variations in usages, examples and analysis of faulty usages.

2. HUM 4304: Indo-European Intercultural Dynamics

The challenges of Intercultural communication – interacting in a diverse world, understanding cultures, alternative views of reality, cultural stereotyping. Foundational Theories in Intercultural Communication – Edward Hall, Samovar, G Hofstede, Understanding cultural Dimensions and Cultural Stereotyping- collectivism/ individualism, power distance, masculine/feminine, cultural metaphors, Intercultural Business Communication Competence – The Role of Language in Intercultural Business Communication , Nonverbal Language in Intercultural Communication, Cultural influence on interpersonal communication, Intercultural Dynamics in the multicultural organizations.

3. HUM 4305: Interpretation of Literary Texts

Texts-static, dynamic, cryptic and delphic; Language of literature; Form and structure; Literature verses popular fiction; Text and discourse; Authors and critics; Theories and approaches to literary texts; Formalism, Structuralism, Marxism, Feminism, Deconstruction; Ideational functions and textual Functions; Class, gender and sexuality; Race and nationality; Genre, phonological deviations –sound patterns and figures of speech ; Pragmatic approach to literature; Understanding syntax, Lexical and syntactic analysis of literary texts; Point of view in literary texts and foregrounding; Prediction and making sense of a text; Stylistic analysis of a novel; Kinds of meaning, Rhetorical structure; Pragmatics and discourse analysis; Interpreting cohesive devices and complex functional values; Stylistic approach to literature ; Elements of literary style; Stylistic analysis of selected short stories, Poems, Novels and Plays; Genre, the plot setting, characterization, tone and themes; Stylistics and its implications on narrative techniques; Intertextuality and conceptual blending; Identifying patterns in the texts; Meaning making process in literature; Imagery, metaphor as a mode of thought; Coherence and Cohesion; Context, turn taking and Adjacency Pair; Pro-forms, Discourse markers, Lexical cohesion and presupposition; Recognizing text organization; Critical texts, Shared assumptions on critical texts; The role of schema and the concept of speech acts in literary texts.

4. HUM  4306: Public Speaking


Public Speaking -Introduction to Public speaking- Voice modulation, Sounds/accent (basics), Articulation, Anxiety management, Logical arguments, Concept of purpose, Audience, Smart use of Body language. Types of speech-Informative speeches – designing and delivery. Persuasive speeches – designing and delivery- Impromptu speeches – designing and delivery -Special occasion speeches- designing and delivery, Presentations – planning and execution -Types of presentation – Informative-Planning and delivery – Persuasive – Planning and delivery – Motivational – Planning and delivery, Other forms of speaking – Debates, Seminars, Panel Discussion, Group Discussion, Tall Tales, Turn Coat, Art of Evaluation Providing feedback- planning, designing and delivering constructive feedback – Receiving feedback – making use of relevant feedback -Techniques of providing feedback- Speech analysis –Role of the Evaluator.

5.  HUM 4313: Analytical Writing

Essay Writing: Narrative—Instructional and Process narratives, Descriptive, Expository, Argumentative—Different components of Argumentation, Critical Writing Strategies: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Synthesizing, Brainstorming Strategies: Clustering, Mapping, Outlining, Cubing, Looping, Logical Reasoning: Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Logical Fallacies, Mechanics of Writing: Punctuation Marks, Rules related to the use of quotation marks, Rules related to Acknowledging Sources, Analyzing texts – tone, style, vocabulary and structure Use of graphics in the text. Mechanics of Thesis writing and Journal writing.

6. HUM 4314: Commonwealth Literature

Will be updated as soon as more information is acquired.

7. HUM 4317: Women’s Writing

Will be updated as soon as more information is acquired.

Instrumentation and Control Engineering

  1. ICE 4304: Sensor Technology

    Basic sensor technology, characteristics, Capacitive and Inductive Sensors, Displacement Sensors, Temperature Sensors, Force/Torque Sensors, Humidity and Moisture Sensors, Acoustic Sensors, Flow Sensors, Occupancy-Motion Detectors, Acceleration and Vibration Sensors, Chemical and Biosensors, Optical and radiations Sensors, Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Applications.

2. ICE 4303:  Industrial Instrumentation

Measurement System, Classification of transducers, Temperature and Pressure measurement, Level and Thickness measurement, Flow measurement-Variable head type, variable area type, Mass flowmeters, Measurement of Thermal conductivity, velocity, acceleration, pH and Force, Semiconductor sensors, Optical sensors.

Information and Communication Technology

  1. ICT 4302: Design and Development of Web Applications

Introduction to Internet and Web. Basic components of web page and fundamental concepts of languages required for Client side scripting and Server side scripting: HTML markup for structure of the simple page, text, creating links, adding images, table markup and forms. CSS for presentation: Orientation, formatting text, different selectors, colors background plus even more selectors, box model, padding, border, positioning, layouts, transitions, transformation and animation. Java script data types, control structure, DOM, arrays, objects, event handling. PHP introduction, control statements, arrays, objects, functions, connecting to MySQL data base.

2. ICT 4303: Fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms

Introduction to algorithms, Arrays: Elementary operations, Applications, Performance Analysis, Sparse matrix representation, Transpose of sparse matrix, Stacks operations, Arithmetic expression conversion and evaluation using stack, Queue Operations, Singly linked Lists, Circular lists, Doubly linked lists, Trees, Binary Tree traversals and different operations, Binary search Tree, Heaps, Graph Abstract type: Representations and elementary operations, Sorting and searching techniques, Analysis of algorithm.

Master Of Computer Application

  1. MCA 4301: Introduction to Database Systems with MySQL

Modeling and Designing Databases, Database Design Process, Entity-Relationship Model, Basic Concepts, Constraints, Design of ER database schema, Reduction of ER to schema, Relational model, Schema Diagram, Relational Database design, Functional dependencies, Normal forms, Creating a MySQL Database, Table, Modifying table, constraints, indexes, Basic SQL, Inserting Data, Selecting Data, Updating Data, Deleting Data, MySQL Functions, Numeric, String, Date /Time, Advanced Queries, Sorting, Join operations, Nested queries, Generating summaries, COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), AVG(), Group By, Statistical techniques, Calculating Descriptive statistics, Per-Group Descriptive Statistics, Generating frequency distribution ,Calculating correlation coefficients, assigning ranks, Stored routines, stored procedure, stored function, Triggers, Events to schedule Database actions, Managing users and privileges, Importing and Exporting data.

2. MCA 4302: Introduction to VR and AR Technologies

Introduction: Input Devices: Trackers, Navigation and Gesture interfaces, Output Devices: Graphics, 3D Sound and Haptic Displays. Computing Architectures for VR: The Rendering pipeline, PC Graphics Architecture, Workstation-Based Architectures, Distributed VR Architectures, Modeling: Geometric Modeling, Kinematics Modeling, Physical Modeling, Behavior Modeling, Model Management. VR Programming: Toolkits and Scene Graphs, World Tool kit and other Toolkits. Lights and Optics, Visual Perception, Introduction to VR: Unity 3D Engine, 2D Game concepts and basic scripting, 3D Game concepts, and environment creation. Introduction to Unity AR: Foundation and Vuforia, working with Vuforia in Unity.

Print and Media Technology

  1. MED 4301: Fundamentals of Advertising

    Advertising theory, growth of advertising in India, advertising as a tool of communication, functions of advertising, benefits of advertising, advertising as a marketing tool, advertising as a PR Tool, advertising theories, relevance to Indian advertising, role of advertising in national economy, types of advertising agency and types of services offered, structure of ad agencies, creativity in advertising, appeals & execution styles, planning & development, creative process & tactics, media planning, advertising medias – television networks, magazines, newspapers, radio, selection and buying media time & space, support media – internet, interactive medias, out-door, in-store, direct mail, miscellaneous and transit advertising, advertising campaign, corporate advertising, case studies.

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

  1. MME 4301: Energy Engineering

Steam power plant: Different types of fuels used for steam generation, Equipment for burning coal in lump form, Strokers, Different types, Oil burners, Advantages and disadvantages of using pulverized fuel, Pulverized fuel furnaces, Cyclone furnace, Coal and ash handling, Generation of steam using forced circulation, High and super critical pressures.

Diesel engine power plant: Applications of diesel engines in power field, Method of starting diesel engine, Auxiliaries like cooling and lubrication system, Filters, Centrifuges, Oil heaters, Intake and exhaust system, Layout of diesel power plant.

Hydro–electric plant: Hydrographs, Flow duration and mass curves, Unit hydrograph and numericals. Storage and pondage, Pumped storage plants, Low, medium and high head plants, Penstock, Water hammer, Surge tanks, Gates and valves, General layout of hydel power plants.

Nuclear power plant: Principles of release of nuclear energy, Fusion and fission reactions, Nuclear fuels used in the reactors, Multiplication and thermal utilization factors, Elements of nuclear reactor: Moderator, Control rod, Fuel rod, Coolant. Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, Sodium graphite reactor, Homogeneous graphite reactor and Gas cooled reactor, Radiation hazards, Shieldings and Radioactive waste disposal.

Solar energy: Solar extra-terrestrial radiation and radiation at the earth surface, Radiation measuring instruments, Working principles of solar flat plate collectors, Solar pond and Photovoltaic conversion.

Biomass energy: Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic oxygen production, Energy plantation, Biogas production from organic wastes by anaerobic fermentation, Classification of bio gas plants, Factors affecting bio gas generation, Thermo chemical conversion on bio mass, Types of gasifiers.

Wind energy: Properties of wind, Wind velocity and power from wind, Major problems associated with wind power, Types of wind machines and their characteristics, Horizontal and vertical axis wind mills

Tidal, Ocean and Geothermal energy conversion: Fundamental characteristics of tidal power, Harnessing tidal energy and limitations. Principle of working of ocean thermal energy, Rankine cycle, Limitations of OTEC. Geothermal energy conversion working principle, Types of geothermal stations, Limitations.

2. MME 4307: Introduction to Composite Materials

Introduction: Definition, Classification, Types of matrices & Reinforcements, Characteristics & Selection, Fiber composites, laminated composites, Particulate composites, Prepregs, Sandwich construction. Glass, Carbon and Advanced fiber manufacturing methods, Applications, Advantages, Disadvantages and Properties. Micro mechanical analysis of a lamina: Introduction, Derivation of stress, Strain, Modulus of elasticity of fiber reinforced composites. Rule of mixture, Problems to find density, Mechanical properties of composites by using Rule of mixture.
Manufacturing of polymer composites: Description of method, Advantages, Disadvantages and Application. Open and closed mold Processing, Hand-lay-up technique, Spray up process, Bag molding, Filament winding, Pultrusion, Thermoforming, Injection molding, Resin Transfer Molding, Sheet Molding Compound, Dough Molding Compound, Thick Molding Compound, Machining and Joining, Tooling, Quality assurance – Introduction, Material qualification, Type of defects, NDT methods.
Application developments: Aircrafts, Missiles, Space, Automobile, electrical and Electronics, Marine, Recreational and Sports equipment’s, Construction. Potential future applications of composites.
Metal matrix composites and ceramic matrix composites: Reinforcement, Matrix materials, Characteristics and Selection, Base metal selection, Applications.

Mechatronics Engineering

  1. MTE 4305: Introduction to Robotics

Introduction: Definition of robots, definition and factors affecting the control resolution, spatial resolution, accuracy and repeatability, specification of a robot, actuators and sensors, drives and transmission systems used in robotics. Spatial descriptions and transformations: Descriptions, operators, transform equations. Introduction to Lie algebra and Rodrigues’s rotation formula and Quaternions. Manipulator kinematics: Link description, manipulator kinematics, actuator space, joint space, and Cartesian space, kinematics of two industrial robots, frames with standard names. Introduction to kinematics of parallel manipulators, Closed loop constraints, four bar mechanism, Stewart platform. Inverse manipulator kinematics: Pieper’s solution when three axes intersect. Manipulator dynamics: Introduction, acceleration of a rigid body, mass distribution, Newton’s equation, Euler’s equation iterative Newton-Euler dynamic formulation. Trajectory generation: Path description and generation, joint-space schemes Cartesian-space schemes. Linear control of manipulators: Introduction, feedback and closed-loop control, second-order linear systems, control of second order systems, trajectory-following control, continuous vs. discrete time control, modeling and control of a single joint.

2. MTE 4306: Mechatronics Systems


Mechatronic Engineering: Introduction, Mechatronic Systems, Modelling, and Design – Coupled Design, Mechatronic Design Quotient, Design Evolution, Evolution of Mechatronics, Application Areas. Basic Elements and Components: Mechanical Elements: Mass, Spring, and Damper. Fluid Elements: Fluid Capacitor, resistor. Thermal Elements: Thermal capacitor, and resistor. Mechanical Components: transmission, lead screw and nut, and harmonic drives. Passive Electrical Elements and Materials, Active Electronic Components, Light Emitters and Displays and Light Sensors. Modelling of Mechatronic Systems: Dynamic Systems and Models, Transfer Functions and Frequency-Domain Models, Equivalent Circuits and Linear Graph Reduction, Block Diagrams, Response Analysis, Computer Simulation. Signal Conditioning: Impedance characteristics, Amplifiers, filters, Modulators and Demodulators, Analog-to-Digital Conversion. Sensors and Actuators: Potentiometer, Resolver, Encoders, Proximity Sensors, Tactile Sensors Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electrical Actuators. Microcontrollers: Microcontroller Architecture, Input / Output Hardware, and Programming. Case Studies in Mechatronics Robotics Case Study, Hydraulics Based Case Study, Electrical Based Case Study, Pneumatics Based Case Study

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