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Category Archives: iambic instincts


For Once, a Love Poem

While words may, sometimes, fail to do justice to the intricate emotion of love, Shaleen Kalsi does her best to capture its true essence in this week’s iambic instincts.


This week in iambic instincts, we present a poem about looking at an object and talking about it while implicity drawing parallels to being hurt as a human being.


This week, iambic instincts presents the tragic tale of a boy separated from his guitar. Bonds of love need not only be formed between living things.

Origin Stories

This latest installment of our poetry series, iambic instincts, features a poem about defence mechanisms, and how things from the past continue to define and dictate our behaviour.


With Valentine’s Day upon us, here’s a piece of writing that celebrates love in all its glory. Metanino, by Abhinav Kumar, envelopes the spectrum of human emotions—joy, pain, and ambivalence—into one riveting poem


Despite the strongest of motivations, we sometimes struggle to overcome the fear that holds us back from pursuing what we want. In ‘Entitlement’, Anshumanth Rao writes about the inhibitions that deter us from achieving all that we’re capable of.


The second poem of this month, ‘PTSD’ is here. PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a mental health condition that severely affects the lives of war veterans. Read on as Shaleen Kalsi explores the psyche of a soldier and makes us realize that even after a war has ended, violence can still live on.

A Captivating Case of the Ceaseless Cosmos

With the first poem of this month’s iambic instincts, Suruchi Narang takes you on a literary skywatch. Read on as she takes you on a journey to a humbling realization while weaving rhythm into her words.

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