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The MIT Placement Portal Team


I’m fairly sure that all of us have noticed (unless of course you live under a very large rock)that placement season is under-way. It is one of the most stressful times for seniors, when tensions run high and the slow, dreadful fear of rejection is at an all time high. At times like this, it is always helpful to not get stuck in something as mundane as paperwork. And that is exactly where these new generation of heroes come in.

A Profile of the Members:

  1. Aarushi Sarbhai:
Aarushi Sarbhai

Aarushi Sarbhai

Branch: Computer Science
Age: 21

  1. Ankita Soni
Ankita Soni

Ankita Soni

Branch: Computer Science
Age: 20

  1. Ria Khetan
Ria Khetan

Ria Khetan

Branch: Computer Science
Age: 21

  1. Aditya Batra
Aditya Batra

Aditya Batra

Branch: Computer Science
Age: 20

  1. Dhruv Agarwal
Dhruv Agarwal

Dhruv Agarwal

Branch: Computer Science
Age: 20


An Interview With the Team:

1. How much time did you take to make this portal?
A. Total development of the portal, including testing, took a total of three and a half weeks. Since development had only been started quite close to the time when it would be necessary, it had to be rapid. And how much time do you think you would have liked to take on a project such as this? Ideally, we would have first of all liked some time to understand the system thoroughly. Understanding a system developed by someone else is a challenging part of any project. However, that being said, working under pressure with deadlines for a project that was going to affect the entire batch of senior students was an experience that few get to go through in college. We were lucky to have that exposure.

2. What are the main features that are different from the previous version?
A. We managed to retain all the robust features of the previous portal developed by our seniors, and also performed a major UI/UX overhaul, as well as functionality tweaking, done according to the inputs of our placement staff and director. And are you pleased with what you managed to achieve? Yes, we are definitely happy with the results. Our system has received some positive feedback with some constructive criticism-which we’ve taken into account.

3. Why did you decide to work at the placement office?
A. We all thought that it would be a good platform to know the working of the placement process. And has the experience so far been beneficial? Yes, it helped us to understand the requirements of companies and the whole procedure as such, and gave us an introduction to the entire system.

4. What branches are all of you from?
A. Computer Science, on all five counts.

5. What suggestions for improvements would you make, if any?

A. With any modern software, the development is ongoing. New features are added as and when they are required.

The Placement Portal Team

The Placement Portal Team


An Interview with the Faculty in Charge:
Dr. P. Giridhar Kini,
Associate Director (Industrial Liaison, Placement & Practice School) and Professor, Dept of Electrical & Electronics (E & E) Engg.

1. What made you decide to make these changes to the portal?
A. We wanted to improve upon the look and feel of the portal, as change is always inevitable.

2. Were there any major setbacks during the making? How were they overcome?
A. The present portal team is extremely talented and smart enough to come up with what we have today, in a short span of time. There were no setbacks encountered and the transition was quite smooth.

3. Are you happy with the team that worked on it?
A. We are extremely happy with the amount of hard work put in; after all, the placement portal is one of the few things built and used by the students. As already pointed out, the portal team is a bunch of talented students who have made a significant contribution for its smooth functioning.

4. Are you happy with the final result?
A. Yes, very much!

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