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Murder Mystery

Shreeya Thamanam | Staff Writer

Enthusiastic true crime geeks gathered for day 1 of the murder mystery competition. Round 1 of the event consisted of a quiz with questions related to biology, bioinformatics, and so on. Top participants were short-listed for round 2. It consisted of a 120-minute treasure hunt, with clues of places on campus hidden along with the primary murder plot. All the clues connected to the exciting grand finale, the third round of the event, which is to be held on 14th October.

Participants of Murder Mystery pore over clues.

In the very final round of the encompassing task of finding a killer, shortlisted participants were presented with a crime scene entwined with clues from the previous round as well. After 2 hours of reading through paper files and racking their brains, the winners were chosen based on whoever guessed the murderer’s name correctly. All in all, it was like being in an Agatha Christie novel and undoubtedly a fun experience.


Sneha Bhowmik | Staff Writer

A 3-hour event, with a cash prize of 2k to the winner, began at 3 pm on 13th October. The 1st round was where the 7 participating teams were given one virus (Marburg virus disease and Leptospirosis) and were told to research either a way to contain the disease and save lives or mutate and make it deadlier. 40 minutes were given to the teams to make a short ppt of 5 to 6 slides and to present it to judge Bharat Rajguru, a professor from the department of biotechnology.

Of the initial 7 teams, 4 teams made it to round 2, where they were given the topic of the Bubonic plague, a.k.a. The Black Death. Each team was given the same problem of making a presentation on the causes of the plague, how it affected the people, the similarities between it and the covid-19 pandemic, and pointing out the mistakes that were made then and if they’re still being made now.

Biodemic participants working on their presentation.

Questions were asked by the other participants and the judges to the presenting team, giving them direction that allowed them to come up with more creative and interesting answers. Participants described it as a stimulating event that moved them towards the right path to inculcate research skills into themselves.

Image Credits: Photography and Videography, TechTatva’22

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