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Renuka Basawa | Staff Writer

ROScore was the perfect event for all the Robo-enthusiasts out there with a knack for coding. It was a two-day event with nearly 14 teams, each consisting of one to two members, having registered for the event. 

Day 1 held the first round of the fest, where all the contestants assembled on a Discord server, ready to brainstorm. It was a marathon problem-solving event, the contestants received their questions on the GitHub repo, and they had to push their solutions in there itself. The round ended at 8 pm on day 1. The competition was a test of not just their knowledge but their practical application as well. 

The contestants were free to use either CPP or python for the ROS portion, Verilog for the VLSI questions, and any language of their choice for the CP portion in the given questions. 

The organisers expected the code submissions to come in around 2 pm. They made sure that they dropped in reminders of the time left over the discord server for the contestants to pick up their pace, as a reminder that the competition doesn’t require just skills but also time management. 

Organisers based criteria of judging on the clarity of the code and zero error efficiency.  Robotrek declared the results of round 2 on day 3 of the fest. Only two teams and two solo participants made it to the final round. The second segment began on day four at 1 pm.

Round 2 was a custom Gazebo world, the contestants’ ultimate test of teamwork and time management. “The second round will be similar to the first round. But this time, all questions are based on robotics/ROS (Robot Operating System), not just coding, but also designing and simulation” said the event organiser Abhiroop. 

Solid coding knowledge and a sharp application were all one needed to ace this event. The fact that the event was happening on a virtual platform could not alter the zest in the competition among the fellow participants, feeding fuel to the team spirit and making the event successful. 

Featured Image Credits: Social Media and Graphics, TechTatva’20

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