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The Technical Clubs Guide—Providentia


ASME Manipal Students’ Chapter organized Providentia, where MIT’s top technical clubs were showcased to freshers to help them choose the right clubs for themselves. The event was streamed live on YouTube, and seven clubs presented their exciting work and the opportunities they offer. The clubs talked about the various departments which students could apply for, the projects they’ve worked on so far, the events they’ve organized and the accolades they’ve won.

The event started with a hearty welcome to the freshers by Ritu Kartik, the President of ASME. “Technical clubs are an integral part of a student’s life in Manipal”, she said, highlighting how one gets to learn technical and non-technical skills as well as a member of any club.

MIT Gaming, the official and only gaming club in Manipal, was the first to present, marking themselves as any enthusiastic gamer’s paradise. Next up was ESOM—Economics and Finance Society of Manipal, which strives to make people financially literate, and discover the wonders of economics and the financial world. Following this was ASCE—American Society of Civil Engineers, Manipal Chapter, a society that represents over one lakh and fifty thousand civil engineers from all over the world, giving its members a chance to be a part of an international community and making them industry ready. IEEE Enginering in Medicine and Biology Society, Manipal Chapter followed next, showcasing itself as the place to be for those who want to combine engineering and biology and learn how to apply technical concepts in the field of medicine. After this, The Astronomy Club captured every space-geeks attention as they presented a plethora of opportunities for its members to learn more about the wonder that is space. Next up was IE Aerospace, Students’ Chapter, the perfect place for people who are piqued by developments in space travel and flying technology. The last to come was ASME Manipal itself, the local chapter of a global organization representing over one lakh twenty thousand mechanical engineers.

A live Q&A session with the clubs followed the presentations for the freshers to clear up any remaining doubts they might have had. The representatives of all the clubs joined the meet one by one as they talked more about their respective clubs, the events conducted by them, the roles and duties of the students as a part of the working committee of the clubs and how the club would help them expand their knowledge and skills. Nikhil Bhargav, General Secretary of ASME, concluded the event with a vote of thanks.

Q&A session with ASCE Manipal Chapter

Providentia was a huge success, garnering over nine hundred views on the YouTube live stream. It provided the freshers of ’21 a concise and valuable insight into the workings of the major technical clubs, guiding them in their choice of the club that’s the best fit for them.

To become a part of ASME and know more about their upcoming events, follow their Instagram, ASME Manipal Student Chapter.

Featured Image Credits: ASME Manipal Student Chapter

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