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Tag Archives: Politics


Politics and Policy- Summit Manipal’17

Nuclear war-heads, fall of governments, and more than one assassination, Leaders of Tomorrow’s flagship event, Summit Manipal was three days of intense debate. With five committees catering to over a hundred participants, here’s what happened at its tenth edition.

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Amma – The Birth of a Revolutionary

Amidst those who shed tears after Jayalalithaa’s death, stood also critics and puzzled supporters who struggled to grasp how the death of a Chief Minister could spark such profound emotion. Read on as we peel back the layers behind this much venerated and possibly irreplaceable leader in the history of Tamil Nadu.

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Democracy Isn’t Always A Good Word

It was only recently that a controversy regarding the arcane standards of the Electoral College was brought into existence in regard to HIllary Clinton winning the popular vote and Donald Trump winning the Electoral College, consequently giving rise to protests across the United States of America. Here’s why the Electoral College is not a system that should be done away with.

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