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Tag Archives: MIT Campus


Unveiling the Mysteries: Rabbit Holes

In the vast expanse of the internet, there exist countless web pages that bewitch the curiosity of users. These digital ‘rabbit holes’ lure individuals into a maze of captivating mysteries and unexplored territories. Blank 101 sought to delve into the numerous beguiling topics that have

Sports Events—Revels’22

“All the world is a ground and all the people are merely players.” The Sports events in Revels’22 saw the participants from various colleges across India give their all in a thrilling showcase of their formidable talent in sports, ranging from track and field to team events like football and many more.

The Student Council (2021- 2022)

One of the most important student bodies of MIT, the Student Council is an example of the ethos of democracy in action. These elected individuals form the link between the student populace and the administration. In this article, the members of the Council share their motivations for running for office and their aspirations for the upcoming year.

A Grim Reminder—COVID 19 Outbreak in the MIT Campus

The MIT hostel blocks were declared as a containment zone until further notice, serving as a grim reminder of the resurgence of COVID 19 all around the country and its ability to spread rapidly. The MIT Post takes a look at the situation of the students who are living on campus and how they are dealing with the predicament.

From Apprehensions to Admiration—My First Year at Manipal

Coming from the comforts of our house, we bring along a bag full of apprehensions, as we step into Manipal. However, as time goes by, and we gather new experiences, we all find ourselves in love with the town and the college. With newfound freedom, away from our homes, we learn to be our own guide on this new track, full of unexpected turns.

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