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Tag Archives: fresher experience

Student Plaza

Of Triumphs and Tribulations—College Through a Fresher’s Eyes

I sat in the passenger seat of the car as we drove to the campus. It had been a long journey to get there, but an even longer one lay ahead. The online experience, making friends and deciding which clubs to join might seem like a daunting task. A second-hand perspective and reading up about what to expect as a fresher on campus can prove valuable in this fog of unpredictability.

An Adventure Into the Winds of Change

Sitting in the relative safety of home, with the COVID-19 pandemic raging around the world, life in Manipal seems like a dream away. Now, with online classes in full swing, I reminisce about the year and a half I spent there, where I stepped out of my hobbit-hole of comfort, to be swept off on an adventure.

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