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Tag Archives: asme


The Technical Clubs Guide—Providentia

ASME Manipal Students’ Chapter organized Providentia, where MIT’s top technical clubs were showcased to freshers to help them choose the right clubs for themselves. The event was streamed live on YouTube, and seven clubs presented their exciting work and the opportunities they offer.

The Sky Moves Sideways – ASME’S ‘Bottle Rocketry’

There are those among us who do not merely chortle when asked if they are rocket scientists upon making a wise remark. Some dream wistfully of a time they can reply in the affirmative to that. ASME’s Manipal chapter had a treat in store for such people with their event, ‘Bottle Rocketry’.

Bridging the Gap: Providentia’17

The annual tech week of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Providentia’17 was organised from 27th March to 31st March. The tech week also had a Technathon spanning over several days, which put every participant’s tech mileage to the test.

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