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Tag Archives: Art


A Beautiful Mind—Schizophrenia’s Influence on Art

The history of mental illness and that of art can be best described as two tendrils that intermittently intersect across time’s canvas, often to produce awe-inspiring masterpieces. The delicate relationship between art and schizophrenia, in particular, is a prominent nodal point of that symbiosis.


Art is a well-known mode of communicating thoughts. It showcases our happiest moments, deepest secrets, darkest days and is more of a sneak peek into the artist’s life. This year, during Revels, Kalakriti celebrated a very important sub-category, visual arts, by holding several invigorating and unique events to showcase the skills and prowess of all artists out there.


Ampersand offered contestants a mixed bag of fun-filled competitions involving spoken and written word, photography, debating and more. The events had thrilling twists with something for everyone, leaving the participants with an enriching and exhilarating experience.

How MIT Celebrates

Fests, whether they be cultural or technical, help you sharpen your skills, interact with different people and have the time of your life. Read on to take a peek at this colourful aspect of MIT.

No Tricks, Only Treats—Skeletunes by Chords & Co.

Celebrations didn’t cease even when we are in the midst of a pandemic, as Chords & Co. presented a Halloween themed event to celebrate individuality and talent. Featuring devilish designs and spine-tingling song covers, Skeletunes comprised goodies that would leave you howling for more.


Kalakriti was a category that offered art enthusiasts a chance to showcase their talents through several different platforms. With attempts to challenge participants across different skill levels, the eight events held under the category saw artists delve into a variety of art forms.

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