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Tag Archives: AI


TechTatva’22—AI Airsoft

AI Airsoft Sanskriti Srivastava | Staff Writer AI Airsoft took place on the first two days of TechTatva’22. The motive of this event was to develop an efficient CV Model in order to implement it in real life. This average AI event shaped into a

Looking Beyond Nine-to-Fives—Universal Basic Income, AI, and the Future of Jobs

Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic affected jobs and working conditions worldwide. As companies have finally begun attempts to move forward, many employees find themselves hesitant to return to the office. The future of jobs is shaping up to be uncertain, aided by the pandemic and several technological advancements that have shaken up job security and the conventional workplaces of yesteryears. Read on to learn about the aftermath of the pandemic for the working population of the world, as AI continues to conquer several job sectors, and how ideas like Basic Income have come to be of immense importance as a result.

The Unbounded Growth of AI and Its Threat to Humanity

Our world is heading towards a future of automation and Artificially Intelligent systems that do our work for us. But this growth is unbounded. The proliferation of AI without regulation can be potentially dangerous, even world-threatening. In this article, we talk about these problems and what might lie ahead for humanity.

Rebooting Convenience—The Phenomenal Tesla Bot

Tesla is back at it with their latest foray into artificial intelligence, proposing the invention of a robot to carry out mundane and routine tasks. The news has received exorbitant reactions from all kinds of audiences, with counterparts of praise and criticism. It is crucial to take a look into our potential future, one we might be sharing with ‘humans’ other than ourselves.

At The Frontier of Science— Cognizance by RSM

The Research Society, Manipal presents Cognizance: A series of engrossing talks by some of the smartest minds in the cutting edge of science and technology. Held over the course of a week featuring six sessions, Cognizance attracted a large number of eager-to-learn students from MIT. Every topic, from quantum computing to new-age bio-enhanced cement, was explained by subject matter experts and passionately discussed by the attending students.

A Brain New World—The Advent of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Elon Musk is back at it with yet another venture. This time, he attempts to turn his science fiction dreams of unlocking the brain’s full potential to reality—in the form of a coin-sized chip. Connecting our minds to the gadgets around us opens up realms of possibility, granting expediency of immense magnitude, and paving the way to a more enjoyable life—but it can also go awfully wrong.

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