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Apocalypse Now

“In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.” Such was the aftermath of the attack on the 16th of December, 2014, when 132 sons and daughters from The Army Public School in Peshawar were buried, having been killed by men of the

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Know Your Budget

It was a big moment for the triumphant party’s government as well as the citizens of the country, as the world waited with baited breath to see what the powerful Modi government had in store for the economic growth starved country. A leather briefcase clasped amorously to

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Keep Off The Grass

Drug addiction festers under the neglect of society, and to combat this neglect, MIT’s Rotaract club conducted a “Stay Safe” anti-drug walk, on the 9th of February, from Kamath Circle to Tiger Circle and back. The president of the organizing club, Sarvendra Agarwal, said, “People

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The Cricket Alphabet

The ICC Cricket World Cup, in its eleventh edition, has been a package of some high octane exhilarating action, with its share of ups and downs. As the World Cup approaches the business end of the tournament, it is only appropriate that we get our ABCs right.

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Draw Jopping! – Revels’15

The last page of any student’s notebook is never blank. Rough math work, lyrics of Uptown Funk and most importantly doodles of professors, of friends, or just random tornadoes and whirlpools. Have you ever wondered how that ordinary physics lecture transformed beautifully in your mind

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Ready, Set, Go! – Revels’15

“Cross country: No half times, no time outs, no substitutions. It must be the only true sport” On the pleasant evening of 7th of March, Revels celebrated sports talent with ‘the only true sport’. Cross country is sport where participants run in open air, through

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Whiplash- A Review

In most car accidents, when the unsuspecting driver is rammed by an incoming truck, the head of the driver gets violently jerked causing the spine to suffer what is termed as a “whiplash” injury. Damien Chazelle’s musical drama has a similar effect on the viewer. The only

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Running For The Border

Not very long ago, the U.S. Senate approved a bill aimed at comprehensive immigration reforms, which needless to say, have not been very populist. With the task of curbing the continued influx of immigrants in mind, formulating complex policies has been the norm. Countries all across the globe

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He For She For Us

When Emma Watson speaks, the world listens. Or, half the world, anyway. Which is just as well, given that this International Women’s Day, the actress will be talking about and taking questions regarding the program for gender equality she launched at this year’s World Economic Forum: the

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