The Open Electives (2022-23)—Semester VII
Open Electives offer you the opportunity to take up a subject well-tailored to your interests, but making the right choice is not always an easy decision. To help you know your options and decide what’s best for you, we have compiled a list of all the Open Electives on offer this academic year. Watch this space for details including the syllabus of the subjects.
Allotment of Electives: The allotment of Open Electives will be done based on CGPA till the 6th semester, and the seats available. There is no CGPA cut-off while applying for the OEs. The preferences once submitted cannot be edited. Students will have to submit a minimum of 20 preferences.
The option to enter OE preferences is now available on the portal. The last date for entering preferences is July 11, 2022. To access the OE application login to your SLCM -> Application -> Apply for Elective.
Note: This page will be updated with more information about the electives. While this list has been compiled using official sources, it might vary slightly with the options on SLCM. The discrepancies will be sorted out soon.
- Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering
- Biotechnology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Information and Communication Technology
- Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Media Technology
- Inter-Institute Open Electives
Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering
- AAE 4305: Introduction to Farm Machines and Earth Moving Equipments
This course aids students to understand the working principle of a variety of earthmoving machinery and determine the productivity and sustainability of machines for earthmoving. By the end of the course, the students will also be able to understand the safety methods for the equipment.
Engine Component overview, Lubrication System, Cooling System, Fuel Injection System, Turbocharger, Supercharger, After Coolers. Basic types of transmissions, auxiliary transmission, compound transmission, twin triple countershaft transmissions and planetary transmission, constructional and working principles, hydro shift automatic transmission and retarders. Final drives, types of reductions final drives and planetary final drives, PTO shaft. Power steering types, linkage type power steering, semi-integral power steering & integral power steering. Steering of tracked vehicles, Skid steering, articulated steering, clutch/brake steering system, controlled differential steering system and planetary steering system. BRAKES: Types of brakes, disc brakes, engine brakes. Different types of earthmoving equipment and their applications. Construction details and attachments of Dozers, Loaders, Shovels, Excavators, Rippers, Trenchers, Dredgers, Drag Line, Clamshell, Scrapers, Motor Graders, Rollers, Compactors. Tractors, Primary and Secondary Tillage Equipment’s, Harvesting Equipment, Types of Sprayers. Tyre and tracked vehicles, advantages and disadvantages, undercarriage components like tracks, roller frames, drive sprockets, track rollers, track chains and track shoes. Suspension system, Rubber spring suspension and Air spring suspension. Types of maintenance schedules purpose and advantages, organisation setups, documentation. Safety methods for earth moving equipment.
- BIO 4305: Body, Mind and Medicine
This course teaches the students how different cultures understand the human body and its evolution. It discusses the subconscious and conscious mind’s effect on human beings on an individual scale and how different practices of medicines interpret the ailments of our body.
Explanation of the human body and its evaluation of the present form. How different cultures interpreted the human body: energy centres, energy chakras. Explanation of mind and different aspects of it. Subconscious, conscious mind and their effect during the different stages of human growth. How it has reached the present form. Interaction of mind and body and its effect on human development and growth. The different interpretations of the human body by allopathy medicine, Ayurveda medicine and Chinese medicine.
Biomedical Engineering
- BME 4306: Nano-medicine
Fundamental concepts in nanotechnology, fundamental concepts in cell, molecular and tissue biology, nano-particles and their synthesis, nanotechnology platforms, characterisation of nano-materials, nano-pharmaceuticals, nano-biosensors and diagnostics, role of nanotechnology in biological therapies, nano-devices for medicine and surgery, application in orthopaedics, cardiology, microbiology, ophthalmology, imaging, role of nanotechnology in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, nano-toxicity, case studies in nano-medicine.
Chemical Engineering
- CHE 4304: Introduction to Petroleum Engineering
This course aims to give non-chemical engineering students an insight into the oil and gas industry. For the foreseeable future, oil and gas will continue to be a key source of energy for the global energy infrastructure. Through this course, students will understand the economic and geopolitical importance of the petroleum industry.
Overview and history of the petroleum industry; Petroleum reserves, production, and consumption statistics of the world; Crude oil origin, exploration, drilling; Crude composition, characterization, and classification; Reservoir properties and drive mechanisms; Enhanced Oil Recovery; Fundamentals of refinery major operations and processes; Refineryproducts and test methods.
Civil Engineering
- CIE 4301: Air and Noise Pollution
This course introduces the students to various effects of air and noise pollution. It discusses the negative health effects caused by it, aiming to bring awareness to the importance of practising an environmental-friendly lifestyle.
Definition, sources, classification, Behaviour of air pollutants, Meteorological variables, stability conditions, plume rise and stack height, Effects of air pollution, Sampling, analysis and control, Global effects of air pollution, Noise pollution, Air and noise legislations.
Computer Science Engineering
- CSE 4301: Essentials of Industrial Computing
Introduction, Programming techniques, Introduction to object-oriented concepts, Advanced concepts in object-oriented technology, Object-oriented design methodology, Introduction to Analysis of algorithms, Code tuning techniques, Analysis of algorithms, Analysis of some well-known algorithms, Intractable problems, Evolution of software, Software development models, Requirement analysis and design, Software construction, Software testing and software quality, Introduction to Web Technologies, Internetworking concepts, Architecture and protocol, The World Wide Web, web applications, Security in applications and issues in web-based applications.
2. CSE 4305: Principles of Soft Computing
Artificial Neural Networks: Definition, Benefits of Artificial Neural Networks, Human Brain, Terminology, Neuron Models, Activation Functions, Network Architectures, Learning Process, Types of Learning: Error-correction, Memory Based, Hebbian, Competitive, and Boltzmann Learning. Types of Neural Networks: Feed Forward Neural Network: Single Layer Perceptron, Limitations, Multi-Layer Perceptron, Back Propagation Algorithm, Practical Considerations, Radial Basis Function Network. Recurrent Networks: Hopfield Network, Recurrent Multi-Layer Perceptron, Second Order Networks, Learning Algorithms. Self-Organizing Map, Neural Network Applications. Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy Logic Applications. Pattern Recognition, Control Engineering, Image Processing. Genetic Algorithms.
Electronics and Communication Engineering
1. ECE 4307: Intelligent Instrumentation System
This course deals with everything from automation, sensors, and other intelligent sub-components required to build an intelligent instrumentation system. Students will get hands-on experience in these topics via assignments as well, hence completing the intelligent instrumentation course.
Transducer review; Automation system; sensors and actuators; PLC; Virtual instrumentation; Lab VIEW; Introduction to intelligent controllers. Design and development of real-time ON/OFF controller – P-I-D controller design – Building an autonomous embedded system in integration with Embedded target – Development of AI-based Vision system using Lab VIEW – assignments
2. ECE 4308: Computational Intelligence and Environmental Sustainability
Introduction to Computational Intelligence: Computational Intelligence Implementations, Modeling and Optimization, Applying Computational Intelligence to Data Mining, Performance Metrics and Analysis. Introduction to Environmental Sustainability: Need and concept of sustainability, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, Conservation and Management of Resources for Development, Environmental issues and sustainable development. Computational Intelligence and GIS: Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Application of GIS in Earth sciences, Geographic coordinates, QGIS Spatial and Temporal analysis. Artificial Intelligence methods in GIS applications, application of Computational Intelligence in Environmental Prediction: Computational Intelligence in time series forecasting, Climate change and terrestrial ecosystem modelling, Rainfall prediction and prediction of meteorological parameters, Water quality prediction, weather and water resource forecasting.
3. ECE 4309: Applications of Signal Processing
Basics of multi-modal signals, types of signals in real-time applications, image perception, image representation, image and video processing, basics of sound speech and processing, time and frequency domain analysis of speech, an overview of pen computing and processing, applications of gesture recognition, case studies with different domain such as aviation, automation like driverless vehicles, gesture-controlled robots, handwritten data analysis, recommendation systems for digital marketing, speech controlled devices for home automation, concepts of real-time applications such as surveillance video processing, face recognition, face tracking.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- ELE 4306: Renewable Energy
Energy sources and their availability – Solar Energy – solar radiation and measurements, solar energy storage, Solar Photo-Voltaic systems design – Wind Energy – estimation, Maximum power and power coefficient, wind energy conversion systems – design considerations and applications – Energy from Bio-Mass – Sources of bio-mass, Biomass conversion technologies – Thermo-chemical conversion and Biochemical conversions, Anaerobic digestion and Fermentation, Bio-gas generation Pyrolysis and Liquefaction, Classification of Gasifiers, Energy plantation -Energy from the Oceans – Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Open and Closed Cycle plants, Site selection considerations, Origin of tides, Tidal energy conversion systems, Wave energy conversion systems – Hybrid Energy Systems.
2. ELE 4307: Utilization of Electrical Energy
Traction – Traction Drives – DC and AC Traction Drives, Power semiconductor controlled drives, DC and AC traction employing polyphase AC motors, diesel-electric traction. Electroplating: Preparation of work for electroplating, Electro-extraction, electrolysis of water. Electric Welding: Resistance welding, spot, seam, butt, projection and flash welding, Power supply, Arc welding, Carbon arc and metallic arc welding, Control of current in welding transformers. Electric Heating: types, modes of heat transfer, resistance heating, resistance ovens, Design of heating element, Temperature control, Induction heating, Core type furnace, Coreless Induction furnace, indirect induction oven, High-frequency eddy current heating, Dielectric heating, Arc furnaces.
Information and Communication Technology
- ICT 4301: Computer Graphics and Animation
This course offers students a basic understanding of the concepts of Computer Graphics and encourages them to develop new algorithms for various transformations. Students will be able to review the current status of research in this field and apply the concepts to game design as well as information visualisation.
Overview of Graphics Systems – 4 Hours
Graphics Output Primitives – 9 Hours
Geometrical Transformations – 7 Hours
Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Viewing – 5 Hours
Animation – 6 Hours
Graphics Programming using OpenGL – 5 Hours
Introduction to Computer Graphics, Video Display Devices, Raster Scan Systems, Graphics Output Primitives, Line Drawing Algorithms, Circles and Ellipses Generating Algorithms, Geometrical Transformation, Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional Transformations, Inverse Transformations, Three Dimensional Translation, Rotation and Scaling, Transformation, Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional Viewing, Animation, Raster Methods for Computer Animation, Design of Animation sequences, Articulated Figure Animation, Periodic Motion, Graphics Programming using OpenGL.
Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- ICE 4307: Farm Automation
Farm mechanization, sources of farm power, renewable energy sources, IC engines, tillage, sowing, plant protection, intercultural operations, harvesting, threshing, biomass management techniques, watershed concept and theory, soil erosion, measures, hydrological cycle, irrigation methods, devices, Water conveyance systems, Water harvesting, aquifer and its types, interaction of water resources with the changing environment, engineering properties of biological materials, heat and mass transfer, devices for cleaning, grading, milling and storage of farm produce. Drying and dehydration, function and features of greenhouse. Resource conservation management, precision farming, automated irrigation scheduling, variable rate seed and chemical applicators, robotics, Rainfall-runoff prediction models, watershed modelling, climate change impact analysis on bio-resources, drying characteristics, storage or process kinetics, simulation and modelling in tillage implements.
2. ICE 4306: Virtual Instrumentation
Architecture of a virtual instrument, Virtual instruments V/s Traditional instruments, Advantages of VI, Graphical programming, Creating Virtual Instruments using LabVIEW-Loops, Arrays, Clusters, String and file I/O, Graphs, Data Acquisition, Common Instrument Interfaces, Current loop, System buses, Interface buses, VISA, Image acquisition and processing, Design of ON/OFF controller for a mathematically described processes using VI software.
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
- MME 4304: Introduction to Alternative Fuels and Applications
This subject deals with the study of various types of alternative renewable fuel sources. The study focuses on the effect of various fuel properties on the combustion, performance and emission characteristics of spark ignition and compression ignition engines. A detailed discussion on the merits and limitations of the liquid and gaseous alternative fuels are included in the study. The subject also highlights modern electric vehicles and their importance in the transportation sector.
During the course, students can do mini-projects and publish papers in reputed journals. Students can also join the automotive industries in the R&D division. This open elective provides higher study opportunities in the areas of Renewable Energy Technology, biomass energy conversion and electric vehicle design and development etc.
Introduction – 7 Hours
Liquid fuels in SI engines – 6 Hours
Liquid fuels in CI engines – 8 Hours
Gaseous fuels in SI engines – 4 Hours
Gaseous fuels in CI engines – 4 Hours
Electrical Vehicles – 7 Hours
Introduction to alternative fuels Need for alternative fuels, Availability of different alternative fuels for SI and CI engines. Properties of potential alternative fuels—Ethanol, Methanol, DEE, DME, Hydrogen, LPG, Natural gas, Producer gas, biogas and biodiesel properties, merits and demerits. Requirements of fuels for SI engines-Different Techniques of utilising alternative liquid fuels–Blends, Neat form, Reformed fuels -Manufacturing, Storage and Safety-Performance and emission characteristics of alternative liquid fuels. Requirements of fuels for CI engines-Different techniques for their utilisation-blends, Fuel modifications to suit CI engines, Neat fuels, Reformed fuels, Emulsions, Dual fuelling, Ignition accelerators and other additives–Performance and emission characteristics, Various vegetable oils and their important properties. Different methods of using vegetable oils in engines–Blending, preheating Trans-esterification and emulsification of Vegetable oils, Performance in engines, Emission and Combustion Characteristics in diesel engines. Use of Hydrogen, CNG, LPG, Natural gas, Producer gas and biogas in SI engines, Safety precautions, Engine performance and emissions. Use of Hydrogen, Producer gas, biogas, LPG, Natural gas, CNG in CI engines. Dual fuelling, Performance and emission characteristics. Layout of electric vehicle and hybrid vehicles –Advantages and drawbacks of electric and hybrid vehicles. System components, Electronic control system –Different configurations of hybrid vehicles. High energy and power density batteries –Basics of fuel cell vehicles.
2. MME 4308: Thermal Treatment of Metals and Alloys
Phases in solids and phase diagrams – 7 Hours
Iron-Carbon systems – 5 Hours
Heat treatment – 4 Hours
Heat treatment processes – 5 Hours
Case and surface hardening treatments – 5 Hours
Steel specification, classification and heat treatment of steels and cast iron – 7 Hours
Heat treatment and application of non-ferrous metals and alloys – 3 Hours
Introduction, Phases-Single phase and Multiphase, Gibb’s phase rule, Solid solutions and types, Intermediate phases, Types of equilibrium diagrams (only binary), Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium cooling, Analysis of phase diagram to determine Composition and Amount of phases involved, Invariantreactions (Euctectic, Peritectic and Eutectoid) and Congruent melting alloy phase. Allotropy and Polymorphism, Cooling curve for pure iron, Fe-Carbon equilibrium diagram, Study of iron-carbon system with emphasis on the invariant reactions. Lever rule application on Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram, Effect of alloying elements on the diagram. Principle and Objectives of heat treatments, Isothermal transformation diagram-Construction and Explanation, Factors affecting shape and Position of isothermal transformation diagram, Continuous cooling curves on isothermal transformation diagram. Annealing and its Types, Normalizing, Hardening and its Different methods, Tempering, Hardenability, Determination of hardenability by Jominy end quench test, Factors affecting hardenability, Age hardening and Thermo-mechanical treatments. Case hardening-Carburizing and its types, Post-carburizing treatments, Cyaniding and Carbonitriding, Nitriding, Thermal treatments: Flame hardening, Induction hardening, Electron beam hardening, Laser hardening. IS and AISI Classification of steel, Heat treatment and Application of plain carbon steels, Commercial steels, High-speed steels, Stainless steels, Maraging steels, Spring, Valve, Bearing and HSLA steels. Cast iron and Heat treatment -Grey, White, Malleable cast irons, Malleabilization of white cast iron, Spheroidal graphite (SG) iron. Aluminium alloys, Titanium alloys, Copper alloys, Defects, Causes and Remedies in heat treatment.
Mechatronics Engineering
1. MTE 4304: Industrial IoT
Introduction to Industrial IoT, Components of IIoT. Sensors, Acceleration: Accelerometers (Piezoelectric, Capacitive); Proximity & Range: Proximity Switches, Ultrasonic Sensor, Hall Effect Sensor, Eddy Current Sensor, Temperature: Bimetallic, RTD, Thermocouple, Thermistor, Optical Pyrometer; Pressure: Electric Transducers, Pressure Transmitters, Pressure Gauges – McLeod, Knudsen, Pirani, Vacuum; Flow: Ultrasonic, V Cone, Laser Doppler, Mass flowmeters. Introduction to PLC: Advantage of PLC, and Chronological Evolution of a PLC, Type of PLC, Parts of PLC and Block diagram PLC, I/O modules and interfacing, networking of PLC, Input-Output System Sinking and Sourcing, power supply module, Programming Equipment. Programming formats using contacts and coils, latching etc. Converting simple relay logic diagram to PLC ladder diagram, Digital logic implementation in ladder programming, Timer and counter functions, Arithmetic functions, R-trig / F- trig pulses, shift registers, sequence functions, PID principles and functional block, position indicator with PID control. Industrial Process Automation, Networks and Protocols: AS-i, CAN, DeviceNet, Interbus, LON, Foundation Fieldbus, HART, PROFIBUS-PA, BACnet, ControlNet, IndustrialEthernet, Ethernet/IP, MODBUS, PROFIBUS-DP. Database-System Applications, Purpose of Database Systems, View of Data, Database Languages, Relational Databases. Introduction to security, Characteristics of Information, Components of an Information system, Security System Development Lifecycle, The Need for Security- Business Needs first, Threats, Attacks, Intruders, Intrusion detection
Media Technology
- MED 4303: Packaging Design and Development
Packaging in modern society, packaging and marketing, designer’s role, designer’s qualifications, design as an aspect of marketing, packaging specifications and quality assurance, paper, paper board and structural design – types of paper and paper board, working with paper and boards, folding cartons, corrugated containers – designing and manufacturing, testing corrugated containers, stacking strength, plastics and flexible packaging: natural plastics, development of synthetic plastics, chemistry of plastics, classification of polymers, techniques used to mold and shape plastics, uses of plastics, designing with plastics, rigid packaging – glass making, producing glass containers, types of glass containers, decorating glass containers, designing a fragrance bottle, phases of designing a bottle, cans, tubes and aerosols, designing cans, metal tubes, plastic 32 tubes, and the aerosol can, environmental implications of packaging – solid waste disposal, packaging regulations – weight and measures, food regulations, cosmetic regulations, tamper evident packaging, other laws and regulations, recycling of packaging, latest trends in packaging – advancements in package designing tools, smart packaging technologies, aseptic packaging, advancements in packaging machineries
Inter-Institute Open Electives
- IIE 4305: International Business Management
Historical perspective of international business, International business environment, Modes of entering international business, Cross-Culture and dynamic market understanding, Differences in Culture, Theories of international business, World Bank, World trade organisation, Multinational Corporations and their involvement in International Business, Tariffs and quotas, Balance of Payment Account.
2. IIE 4308: Health Economics
Economics: Understanding Economics, Efficiency, Rational decision making, Opportunity costs, Supply and demand, Price discovery, Health economics: Defining health, Human capital, what does supply and demand mean in the context of health? Arrow on the uncertainty and welfare economics, The Moral hazard, DALY and QALY, Efficiency: The Production possibility frontiers. The production function for health care. Health policy, Defining equity, Standards of healthcare provision Epidemiology, The Healthcare sector, The demand for health, Disease prevalence, The pharmaceuticals market, Cross country case studies.
3. IIE 4311: Lifestyle Modifications And Complimentary and Alternative Therapies
Principles and concepts of lifestyle modification and various complementary and alternative therapies, Demonstrate skill in performing different yoga aasanas, guided imagery/Progressive muscle relaxation, meditation & Pranayama, reflexology, massage therapy, aerobics, laughter therapy.
When not making puns or playing a sport, Parthiv can often be found trying to make sense of what makes people tick.
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