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Embarking on a Journey of Inquiry—Search for Research by ACM and ACM-W


ACM and ACM-W Manipal organised a talk, Search for Research, on 15th September for students interested in learning about the field of research. The talk saw the speaker, Tanvi Anand, a published student author from the Computer and Communication Engineering branch, recounting her experience and the lessons she learnt while publishing an academic paper.

To kick off the event, the audience was asked the difference between a club and a chapter, and answering the question correctly fetched them a sticker. Tanvi Anand started her talk by sharing with the audience that before she was able to publish a paper successfully, she had to face rejection several times. This drove home the point that learning from mistakes and dismissals is of immense importance. She then went on to discuss the different types of research papers—including journal, conference, and term papers—that one can publish. The factors that determine the quality of an academic article or journal, such as the impact factor or the number of citations were talked about as well.

Proceeding ahead, Tanvi Anand elaborated on five ways to carry out research. A paper can be published under the guidance of a professor, through a student project, premier institutions like the IITs/IISc, company labs, or through solitary research work. The pros and cons of each of these avenues were further deliberated. In addition to this, a distinction was made between the two approaches towards research that one can take—it can be method-based or application-based.

According to the speaker, the most challenging part of the process was choosing a specific research topic. Another helpful section of the talk informed students about the various scholarships that they can apply for, along with the countries that offer these scholarships. It was stated that a more detailed talk on scholarships is in the works. Concluding the affair, the presenter answered questions from the audience while they were asked to submit a feedback form.

“Research isn’t inventing the wheel, it is putting it on a car”, remarked Tanvi Anand, when asked what research means to her.  The talk proved to be extremely informative and successfully motivated and guided students in their pursuit of research.

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