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Club Statistics ’15-’16


Manipal has a lot of student clubs and bodies. The campus life in MIT is said to be among the most active in the country. Here is a breakdown of campus activities. We shall soon have a write-up on all student clubs, so keep checking this space for more details.

Annual Report of the Clubs :January 2015-March 2016
1 Total Number of Clubs. 59
2 Total Number of Technical Clubs. 27
3 Total Number of Non Technical Club. 24
4 Total Number of Student Chapters. 8
5 Number of Technical Events Organised. 148
6 Total Student Participation in the Technical Events. 10153
7 Number of Cultural Events Organised. 79
8 Total Student Participation in the Cultural Events. 4648
9 Number of Social Events Organised. 32
10 Total Student Participation in the Social Events. 8665
11 Number of Workshop/Training /Leadership Organised. 30
12 Total Student Participation in the Workshops. 4195
13 Number of Industrial Visit organised. 6
14 Total Student Participation in the Industrial Visit. 217
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