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Category Archives: Future Bytes


The Cacophony of a Caged Bird—Elon Musk & The Twitter Saga

The Musk-Twitter saga is shrouded in mystery as the world’s most impactful social media platform hangs in the balance. This article discusses the motivations behind the deal and the eventual withdrawal, as well as the tricky topic of public opinion and free speech on a platform where virality is more important than morality.

The Unbounded Growth of AI and Its Threat to Humanity

Our world is heading towards a future of automation and Artificially Intelligent systems that do our work for us. But this growth is unbounded. The proliferation of AI without regulation can be potentially dangerous, even world-threatening. In this article, we talk about these problems and what might lie ahead for humanity.

A Small Step for Robotics, A Large Step for Mankind

With robots revolutionising agriculture, transport, manufacturing, warehousing and a number of such industries, the 21st century is the most exciting period in robotics.
In the first article of Future Bytes, RoboManipal walks you through the state of robotics today, its origins, and its driving principles.

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