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All posts by Tanmay Goswami

Sitting down with The Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri

Dr G. Satheesh Reddy is the Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri. A proponent of indigenization, he guides the development of significant programmes on missiles and strategic systems, fighter aircraft and unmanned aerial defence systems, underwater systems, radar systems, strategic materials, and armaments among other futuristic technologies. The MIT Post had the fortune to interact with and interview Satheesh Sir about his expert experience and in-exhaustive knowledge in the scientific domain.

A Beautiful Mind—Schizophrenia’s Influence on Art

The history of mental illness and that of art can be best described as two tendrils that intermittently intersect across time’s canvas, often to produce awe-inspiring masterpieces. The delicate relationship between art and schizophrenia, in particular, is a prominent nodal point of that symbiosis.

MIT Debate Tournament—Revels’22

The sixth edition of the Manipal Institute of Technology Debate Tournament was hosted under Ergo. It featured debaters from across the globe, spanning 11 countries, engaging in an intense display of competitive debating prowess. Held online, the tournament followed the British Parliamentary Format and enjoyed critical acclaim from renowned debating circles.

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