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All posts by Rhitam Dutta

The Final Test—Placements in MIT

College placement is one of the most important factors to be considered when choosing a college. MIT students, at the end of their college term, have the chance to take up jobs in many major companies and can also expect to receive the help needed to be ready for it. Here is a comprehensive piece about where MIT stands in this matter.

Meals on Wheels: The Red Food Truck Speaks

“Well, we never had any intention of serving vegetarian food in the first place. We’ve included it in the menu only because one of my best friend’s girlfriend is a vegetarian” says Umesh Chandran, the man in the driver’s seat of Square Ruth – the Food Truck we all saw selling mouth-watering edibles during TechTatva’17.

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EcoAvenue: Bringing Out the Inner Penny Pitcher

ESOM has certainly set a benchmark by inviting two entrepreneurs who have accomplished accolades and aren’t even in their 30s. While Abhilekh Tripathy educated the audience by speaking about his own experiences, MIT alumni Kartik Mandaville brought a much needed technical aspect to the forum.

Silenced Minds – AAINA’s Take On Censorship

A cheering audience started to gather around a group of energetic actors performing a street play on censorship and how even during recent times people can’t speak their minds on pertaining issues. A sensitive topic as such required mastery in scriptwriting which AAINA delivered as always. The audience after an astounding performance started to challenge the ideas of freedom and how an independent India is not completely independent

Bridging the Gap – International Students’ Day Celebration

Organised by two of Manipal’s student bodies – AIESEC and IAESTE, International Students’ Day bridged the gap between Manipal and the rest of the world. A day of fun-filled games and interactions with people from around the globe was all one could ask for on a rainy Sunday. Read on to find out more.

Clean as a Whistle – Local Volunteer’s Clean Up Drive

AIESEC opens their Local Volunteering project through which they wish to bring about changes around Manipal through volunteering opportunities. Through their latest venture, a Clean-Up Drive, a collective effort had let them clean up a place as big as the RC Grounds within two hours. Their program is open to everyone who wishes to chance Manipal for the better.

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