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All posts by Deepali Sahu

Koffee with Kanan—Sitting Down with Kanan Gill

With their bubbling personalities and unparalleled sense of humour, Urooj and Kanan successfully managed to make the evening delightful for everyone present at LVC’s show, Lolstars.
We had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing Kanan Gill—engineer, comedian, writer, actor. Here’s what he had to say!

Koffee with Kanan

Kanan Gill and Urooj Ashfaq, in association with LVC, are set to perform a sold-out show at Fortune Inn Valley View on the 11th March 2018. Students are highly anticipating the comedians’ arrival on Manipal’s burgeoning stand-up scene.

Rolling Into Town: Binge Yard

Given their speedy rise among the Manipal’s foodies’ list of places of be, Binge Yard is rolling straight into Revels’18, bringing its great flavor palate and affordable, on-the-go snacks with them. Here’s what sets them apart from the rest.

When Manipal Runs – The Manipal Marathon

The newly formed Manipal Runners Club held it’s first event in the form of the Manipal Marathon which saw huge participation from all over the country in various categories and events. The Post brings you a detailed report of activities that took place on the day.

Matrubhasha Divas

MIT’s Hindi literary club, Goonj, planned a line-up of incredibly well-executed acts to commemorate ‘Matrubhasha Divas’ on the 21st of February, 2017. The event lived up to its expectations, with a variety of linguistic talent on display.

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