The Wheel of Time
The wheel of time spins for eternity. It’s never-starting and never-ending, a concept our three-dimensional brains can not process. We only focus on the narrowest frame to look time at, as expanding it either back or forth breaks our mind. Such large concepts escape into the papers we write and the theories we formulate, hoping eons later, we shall peek out of the frame to finally see the bigger picture. While trying to zoom out, we lose the details of this collage of human experiences across millenniums; they seem to blur.
The only certainty time provides is the notion of all returns to where all starts; the nothingness is our true home. The universe is just one breath of our divine overlords and is as insignificant as it is brief. The ever-infinite universe pales compared to the vastness of time. We built our massive civilizations, something so much bigger than us, that we feel suffocated by this forest we planted generations ago. We are mere roaches in the world of the giants we gave birth to. But they, too, are victims of the Mandate of the Heavens, all falls that rise, replaced by another empire, just to fall into nothingness again. The wheel of time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legends. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again.
We say we are the masters of our fates. We have conquered whatever monsters were thrown at us, from the deadliest viruses, natural disasters, and the threat we pose for ourselves. We hold the key to our futures, made from the blood of those who have sacrificed themselves in pursuit of fate. The tools we have at our disposal are mighty and formidable but pale compared to the vastness of the unknown. It’s the call of the void, taunting us to jump head first. We have survived this long, but can we face the foes that cannot be seen? Or is illusioning ourselves the price we pay for free will?
Time is known to play cruel and wicked games. It flies over us but leaves its menacing shadow behind. Seconds turn minutes turn decades. Slowly but surely, all returns to where all began, which scares us immensely. We have always feared the unknown and have known this fear since time unknown. Some have surrendered, trying to embrace it with open arms; some have crafted fantastic stories of what lies ahead, either trying to provide some sense of control or just living in blissful ignorance, while some have been attempting to outrun time itself. We live off borrowed time; each instant, the clock ticks faster.
But time doesn’t care. It is the fairest judge, the omnipresent jury, and the relentless executioner. This trial is inescapable, and the verdict is predetermined. So, how can we brag about being the masters of this universe’s fate if we cannot master our own? We have the laws of the universe at our disposal, but is it enough? The hand we have is not great, but we have the opportunity to turn the tables and rewrite the game itself. But then again, we face this great monster that silences our greatness over this dimension.
Should we accept this life? Or should we continue fighting? We truly have nothing to lose until we lose ourselves. But sooner or later, we must decide; the sand slowly falls in the hourglass, louder and faster. Can we slay this beast and silence it for good, or fail like the trillions who have come before us?

Writer: Daksh Loiya
Artist: Meenakshi Acharia