

The MIT Post, formerly known as Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT)’s media team, originated as a segment of the MIT Editorial Board, eventually breaking off and emerging as a category in Techtatva and Revels. It became an independent body early in 2013 and was responsible for publishing a newsletter once in two months.  The autumn of 2014 witnessed the growth of the old media team into its current form, the official media body and public relations and communication office of Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.

Before any of that that, we are you.

Who are you? You’re not a student studying in one department hoping to land a job in that field. You are a mix of multiple schools of science; you’re anything from a genius in biomechanics who dabbles in drama to a world-class orator who tinkers with robots. You’re one in a body of 8000 such people where ideas aren’t limited by streams, and communication isn’t barred by classroom walls. You are MIT.

Through our website, magazine, and app, we will make sure you’ll always be informed.

We are your voice, a powerful medium that ensures that your ideas go above and beyond your dorm room window. You can expect nothing less from a college that bears the motto, “Knowledge is power”.

The Post aims to bring MIT to the world, and the world to MIT. In this venture, we will provide information on all activities that go on within the college, the opportunities that the students have to grow as engineers, musicians, artists, actors and writers, and project the spirit of MIT itself.

We aim to shape the rhetoric, to keep our fellow students informed of the world we live in, so that we may grow into intelligent decision makers and astute individuals of a modern world. We will be a platform to share great ideas and implement them in making a better MIT.